GRECE VACANCES Vacances en couleur...

Destinations in Greece


Greece and History
Roots of modern civilization to the present day ...
In the footsteps of 5000 years of history ...
A unique choice to disorient you.

Ionian Islands
Many white sandy beaches ... rich landscapes and wilderness ...These islands offer a bewitching dream to all seasonal visitors.


Dodecanese islands
On the south-eastern part of the Aegean, the 12 islands facing Turkey... whose diversity makes their charm ...
The fortified Rhodes, offers quality stays.

Sporades islands
The shady side of the islands is in full harmony with the beaches ...
The Sporades Marine Reserve and the famous island of Skiathos attract many tourists every year.


Anatolian islands
Situated at the northeast part of Greece, those islands are ignored by mass tourism.
Lesbos (Mitilène)is a favorite destination, with his own touristic infrastucture.


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